Title: Faster Learning Master Class (Using the V-A-K Learning Approach)

Time: Learn at your own pace!

Venue: HabitLibrary Online Education Platform

Where can I sign up?: Use this link HERE

What is it about?:

The human brain absorbs information faster and “vaster”.

Before I explain why, I first want to prove my point.

Has this ever happened to you before?

You hear a song and immediately you remember the first time you heard it, where you were and probably what you were you even doing.


That’s the power of using more than one sense to create a memory. It’s faster and “sticks” better.

You created the memory with what you saw (Visual), what you heard (Auditory) and what you felt (Kinesthetic)

Most people do not know this because now books are everywhere.

After the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg, the way in each we learn and education in general has really changed.

Now we emphasis text over images.

We emphasis abstract concepts over concrete learning experiences.

Before the printing press people used to learn by oral tradition.(Auditory)

People used to learn by face-to-face encounters.(Kinesthetic)

People used to even learn by pictures and images.(Visual)

And that is the natural way in which the brain learns, so people where learning faster but people didn’t even know this .

This master class will teach you how to incorporate these senses (Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic) to learn and recall information faster.

If you want to sign up for this free online master class simply click this link HERE

Hope to you hear from you soon.

Stay exceptional!

